June Moon & Clouds

Full Moon News for June 2013

On June 22nd – 23rd we will have a super ‘Super Moon’ full moon due to the orbital full moon - wikimedia commonsperigee of the moon to the earth…in other words, it will be closer to us than normal which makes for a spectacular sight. The moon will appear 30% brighter and 13% larger to us than other full moons. The super moons are also known as a ‘Perigee Moon’.

Even though we have super moons approximately every 14 months, this one is just a bit closer to us than in previous years and looking into the future, the super full moon will be closer to us on November 25, 2034 and even a bit closer on December 6, 2052.

now..sharing some cool clouds… & thanks for stopping by ‘Bellingham Blog’ a<|>w* :)

1 – Clouds over Fairhaven

June Clouds-Fairhaven

2 – Clouds and a Seagull

June Clouds with Seagull

3 – Clouds and the Bay

June Clouds-Bellingham Bay

1 thought on “June Moon & Clouds

  1. Hi Bellingham Blog, I told you I saw an amazing and strange orange moon the other night. This must be the reason. Thanks for the info. Nice pictures. Beth

    Sent from my iPad


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